We provide comprehensive insurance cover for home building structures as well as home contents.
Insurance ke Nthoa rona.
Rea e Tseba!
(Insurance is our Business. We know it!)

House Contents Insurance
This cover helps individuals to replace their household contents including garden furniture and outdoor items when they are stolen or damaged. In addition, this specific cover includes accidental death, medical and veterinary expenses, trauma and veterinary counselling.
It also includes: Damage caused by fire, lightning, explosion, storm, wind, rain, hail, snow, water or earthquake, bursting, leaking or overflowing of water or heating installations or pipes or geysers including damage to the heating installations, pipes or geysers.
Tips - House Contents Insurance
- Calculating the sum insured: Always insure your household contents for the new replacement value of the entire moveable
- Remember to include items such as the contents of garages, workshops, tool sheds and domestic staff quarters. It is very important to note the security requirements on your schedule to avoid any problems in the event of a claim.

Home Insurance
Covers permanent structures including garages and domestic staff quarters.
Home Insurance
Home Insurance definition: The buildings of your private home and all outbuildings on your premises. Also included are fixtures, fittings, walls (including dam walls), gates, gate motors, intercom and security systems, fences (not hedges), swimming pools (but not the water or portable swimming pools), ornamental ponds and fountains, borehole motors, underground pipes and cables, public supply connections, satellites dishes, aerials, antennae, air conditioning units, irrigation systems, solar heating systems, brick, tar and concrete driveways paths and patios on your premises.
Calculating the sum insured: The sum insured “must” represent rebuilding costs of all buildings and improvements on your property, including driveways, walls, extensions, etc. Items such as air conditioners, fitted carpets and eye level ovens should also be included. Market value often differs significantly from rebuilding costs and is not the figure on which to base your insurance.